Bio-energy Healing is a gentle, non-invasive treatment to balance your energy and open you to more vitality and inspiration.
Experience Bio-energy Healing
Uplifting and expansive, Bio-energy healing works at a subconscious level to balance the body’s energy centers (chakras). The chakras reveal the life themes where we’re being challenged to learn and grow. A session often reveals a fresh outlook to difficult situations. When energy flows freely, common experiences are clarity, peace, confidence, and the ability to move forward in life.
Learn about the difference between Bio-energy Healing and Reiki.
What is Bio-energy?
"Bio-energy", often called qi (chi), refers to the life energy that runs through and around your body. It connects all of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects to each other, and to the universe.
How does Bio-energy work?
When energy flows freely, we feel healthy. If stress builds up in the body, it disrupts this flow and can lead to illness, physical and emotional pain, and low energy. By identifying and clearing the blocks in the energy field, the energy flow is restored, allowing your body to heal itself naturally. Bioenergy healing works by balancing and clearing the body's own energy system, the Chakra system, which corresponds to the major organs and glands of the body.
What can I expect during the Bioenergy healing?
During a Bio-energy session, the practitioner uses various hand techniques to work with the energy field around the body, often without actually touching the client. During a treatment, you may experience feelings of heat, cold, tingling, darting pains, and even emotions, as energy is moved and the normal flow of energy is restored. This type of treatment is often quite "active" on your part as you remain awake and aware. In person, the session is conducted mostly standing or seated.
What happens after a session?
It's best to plan on not doing much for a few hours after a session, as you may feel tired or emotional. It’s also normal to feel light and peaceful. Drink a lot of water, rest, and eat nutritious, light food.
How many sessions do I need?
A full round of Bio-energy healing typically is 5 sessions but a noticeable difference can happen after one. There’s usually a feeling of completion that you’ll sense. Then it’s recommend to let life unfold as many of the changes can happen in the following months or even year.
Is there anything I can do to support my healing process?
Of course! The best type of support is cultivating daily mindfulness and a regular time to reflect on what’s on your heart—your desires, needs and challenges. What’s one thing you’d like to focus on today? A little time each day to reflect, set an intention, then take small steps towards the life you want to create makes all the difference.
Some helpful books for developing self-awareness are:
Happiness: Essential Mindful Practices by Thich Nhat Hanh
How to Meditate: A Practical Guide to Making Friends with Your Mind by Pema Chödrön
The Presence Process by Michael Brown
Untangling by Barbara McGavin
If you’d like to do a deeper dive into yourself, we offer monthly community breathwork ceremonies to support you.